Edwige TASSIGNON Real estate agent

Working area : SAINT-MARTIN-DU-TERTRE (89100) and its surroundings

Ancien, Viager
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RSAC : 949 485 742 00017 Courts service city : SENS Status : TASSIGNON Edwige EI


11 Annonces

    SAINT FLORENTIN (89) House

    84m² 369m² 4r 3bed

    Under offer
    • Exclusivity
    SENS (89) House on one level

    95m² 402m² 5r 4bed

    179 000 €
    216 196 $
    155 676 £
    CHIGY (89) House

    118m² 564m² 5r 3bed

    117 000 €
    141 313 $
    101 755 £
    MALAY LE GRAND (89) House to renovate

    72m² 350m² 3r 1bed

    108 000 €
    130 442 $
    93 928 £
    SAINT DENIS (89) House

    83m² 609m² 4r 3bed

    178 500 €
    215 592 $
    155 241 £
    HERME (77) House

    135m² 1 413m² 6r 4bed

    340 000 €
    410 652 $
    295 698 £
    SENS (89) Barge

    103m² 4r 1bed

    158 000 €
    190 832 $
    137 413 £

    87m² 785m² 3r 2bed

    110 000 €
    132 858 $
    95 667 £
    MALAY LE PETIT (89) Building land

    1 747m² 1 747m²

    64 000 €
    77 299 $
    55 661 £
    VILLENEUVE L'ARCHEVEQUE (89) Village house

    110m² 240m² 4r 3bed


    84m² 410m² 4r 2bed

    91 000 €
    109 910 $
    79 143 £

    Contact me

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